A Health Tutor

Ankle Swelling and Pain

The ankle is an extremely important and simultaneously fragile part of the human anatomy. Simple tasks like walking, running and providing support to the legs and the body are carried out through the use of the ankle. To imagine a body without the utility of the ankles is an impossible task, as it would render us unable to perform a variety of activities. Many people often experience ankle swelling and pain and find themselves feeling immense pain while walking. This is an extremely debilitating state to be in, as it puts a stop to many routine activities. Read more on ankle pain and swelling.

The causes of ankle swelling and pain are manifold, and each of these causes will require some form of physiotherapy to treat it, and would necessarily require the afflicted individual to get a few days of rest and recuperation. Determining the exact causes of ankle swelling and pain is crucial in this regard, and only once this is done, can a suitable mode of treatment be adopted and administered. Read more on swollen ankles and feet.

Swelling of the ankle causes the dense accumulation of fluid on the ankle, either on the joint itself or on the soft tendons and tissues that surround it. This accumulation of fluid is accompanied by inflammation of the ankle, which causes it to appear bruised, and also with a great degree of pain and discomfort. Any weight put on the ankle worsens the condition and causes immense pain as a result. Foot and ankle swelling and pain are very commonly seen in athletes and runners, especially at times when they have sprained their ankle.

Ankle Sprain or Ankle Fracture

These are the most commonly seen ankle injuries, and affect millions of people around the world on a daily basis. Also known as musculoskeletal injuries, these are extremely painful conditions to bear. Of course, there are some cases where the damage is minor and the pain is not substantial (in the case of ankle sprains), but in the majority of these incidents, there is a great amount of bruising and pain. The ligaments that surround the ankle experience some damage or a tear in the case of sprains and fractures are when the ankle bone itself suffers some cracking damage. Read more about sprains and strains.

The most common cause of such foot and ankle swelling and pain is when the ankle gets twisted. This can happen simply while walking, but it often strikes a person when they are running. That’s why athletes are most commonly afflicted by this condition. The twisting of the ankle is accompanied by a popping noise, and swelling and bruising can be seen almost instantaneously.

A hard blow to the ankle induces some trauma and also results in this condition. The cases where there is sudden ankle swelling and pain are quite rare, as the pain associated with this condition is so intense that when the actual trauma occurs it is impossible to ignore. Stress fractures of the ankle are usually caused by some external trauma, or by a large force striking against the ankle.

Ankle Tendonitis

There are myriad tendons that circulate and weave around the ankle, and the inflammation of any of these tendons can often result in tendonitis. The severity and intensity of the discomfort obviously vary, depending on the extent of the injury and the damage, but this is one of the very common ankle swelling and pain causes. Trauma is the primary reason for the onset of tendonitis, but sometimes this condition can also be caused by rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis. Depending on the severity of the condition and the amount of ankle swelling and pain, there are a variety of different forms of treatment that can be applied and administered.

Any person who has suffered from these conditions in the past is also prone to experiencing ankle swelling and pain again. Once the ligaments and tendons around the ankle get weakened, the smallest of strains or trauma on it can cause further damage. Here are some more widely seen ankle swelling and pain causes.
Wearing wrong shoes or worn-out footwear.

In usual cases, ankle swelling and the pain last for anytime between 2-6 weeks, depending on the exact cause, the form of treatment is administered, and the care taken by the individual. Consulting a doctor in serious cases is highly recommended, as he can conduct an X-ray and other tests to ascertain the damage inflicted, and protect the ankle from future injuries.

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