Did you know that depression is the most common mood disorder all over the world? More than 2% of the population on the West Coast deals with depression. It can make you feel helpless, worthless, and extremely lonely. Depression is the leading cause of suicide attempts everywhere. It is important to treat this serious disorder so that you can improve your quality of life. It is not easy bringing about such a huge change. Along with therapy and medications, there are some complementary habits that you should try out, depending on which one works for you. We have talked to some leading psychotherapists in order to bring you 4 alternative habits for treating depression.
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Follow a routine
When you are depressed, it is tough to find joy in the small things in life. This can lead to a lack of basic routine, including showering and eating food. Establishing a routine will try to give you some accountability for your entire day instead of staying in bed all day long. Try to incorporate some structure in your life when everything else is going wrong. A daily schedule can help you think and bring some normalcy back into your life. It can help you get back on track. It is not important to try and conquer huge tasks from day one. Make a small routine of brushing your teeth, cooking a meal, taking a shower, and going out for a walk. Keep adding things into this routine.
Even if you do not feel like exercising, it is a great way to naturally uplift your mood. When you work out, your body lowers the level of cortisol in it and also increases your endorphins. This means that your body will have more happy hormones in it. You just need to try and do 20 minutes of exercise everyday in order to see its benefits.
Smoke weed in moderation
A ton of studies have shown how effective this psychoactive plant is in providing a sense of relief and euphoria to the user. Sometimes, all you need is a change of perspective to get you back on track. You can search for westcoast cannabis to look for some Sativa around you. Be sure to get a strain that is energising instead of relaxing. This is why Sativa is the best option for depressed patients. You should make sure that you smoke in moderation otherwise your body will build up a tolerance to it.
Get enough sleep
A major cause of depression can be a lack of good quality sleep. These two go hand in hand. The presence of one makes the other one worse. It is important to make some changes to your lifestyle such as cutting out caffeine and alcohol, incorporating good sleep hygiene, and eating healthy in order to help you get enough sleep. A well-rested mind is a mind at peace. Try to get the distractions that you have out of your room to ensure that you get good sleep.
It is important to constantly battle your depression before it makes you give in. try out these natural ways of helping you along with therapy and medications.

Tiffany is a Medical Student and also works as a fitness coach in part-time. She is also a writer and writes on health and fitness articles. Tiffany loves to engage with users and help them provide various useful information on General Health. She provides researched-based information and also featured on various blogs and magazines.