7 Common Indicators You Need to Visit a Gynecologist

Gynecology is concerned with women’s health problems starting at puberty and extending throughout the stages of life. As you grow and age, your women’s health needs shift and change. Collaborating with a highly competent and experienced gynecologist helps you receive the assistance you require as you move through these transitions. Common gynecology Mount Pleasant issues your specialist may address during a visit include:


1. Painful periods

Monthly menstrual cycles are painful for many women. Lower tummy cramps, aching breasts, and headaches can make those few days seem to last forever. But what if your menstruation becomes considerably more painful and lasts longer?

This might indicate endometriosis (when excess tissue accumulates in your uterus, causing bleeding and swelling) or fibroids (growths of cells and tissue in the uterus). Your gynecologist can identify these disorders and help with a therapy plan.

2. Pain during sex               

This is another subject that can be hard to discuss, although your gynecologist is very familiar with the issue. If you are younger and experiencing dryness during sex, your gynecologist may alter your birth control medication to include more of a sex hormone known as estrogen.

Also, if you have already experienced menopause and suffer dryness during sex, your specialist may prescribe vaginal estrogen or suggest various types of lubricants.

3. Vaginal bleeding

It is usual for women to experience spotting in the first few months after beginning various forms of birth control and heavier periods as they approach menopause. However, if you experience sudden vaginal bleeding, for instance, following menopause, you should consult a gynecologist to determine the cause.

4. Breast problems

Your gynecologist can tell whether a new lump, sensitivity, or discharge in your breast is an indicator of cancer. Most of the time, these issues are not cancerous, particularly if you haven’t experienced menopause.

5. Starting or resuming sex

Your specialist can make you aware of concerns you should consider. For instance, if you are under 18 or think you will have intercourse with more than one person, then you have a higher risk of getting cancer from an HPV infection (a common sexually transmitted virus).

Also, certain sexually transmitted diseases increase your chances of infertility and cancer. During your meeting, a gynecologist will remind you of that risk if you want to resume sex after therapy for the STD.

6. Incontinence

Women of any age may become incontinent (accidental experience leakage of urine or feces), although it’s more prevalent in the 50s and 60s and following menopause. Also, it can occur after childbirth, particularly if the baby was big or the clinician had to use forceps or a vacuum.

Your gynecologist can recommend treatments like behavioral therapy or muscle relaxation, diet adjustment, medication, or surgery or refer you to a specialist.

7. Low libido

Sometimes a medical issue or drug you take decreases your interest in sex as an adverse effect. Also, work or family stress, as well as the duration of your relationship, may rob you of your desire. Your gynecologist can determine why your libido has vanished and provide steps to restore it.

A gynecologist can treat a girl or a woman at any age, but most commonly between 13 and 15. Building a connection with your doctor makes you feel more at ease asking questions about menstruation, sexuality, and other topics. It serves as a point of contact if future issues arise and allows the doctor to assist your long-term well-being by counseling you on crucial health and lifestyle concerns. Call Menopause Solutions to book your consultation online to determine which gynecology issues treatments suit you.

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