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All You Need to Know About Revision Knee Replacement Surgery

Partial or total knee replacement procedure aims to restore damaged or worn out knee stability by removing and replacing bone fragments that form in the knee joint with artificial implants. These implants usually last about 20 years in 85-90% of recipients. When the implants are no longer functioning properly, revision knee replacement Katy surgery is often required and may involve:

Understanding revision knee replacement surgery

A knee revision is the restoration of prosthetic implants in those who previously received a total knee replacement. Some knee revisions may necessitate the replacement of only one implant, while others the exchange of all prostheses inserted during the initial knee replacement operation (known as “revision total knee replacement”). A complete revision of this type requires substantial preoperative planning, specialized implants and instruments, extended operating hours, and knowledge of challenging surgical procedures.

Common causes of a knee replacement failure

Although a total knee replacement is one of the most effective operations in modern medicine, over time, the replacement might fail for numerous reasons, including:

Additionally, those with failed knee replacements may suffer pain. The knee may get swollen and stiff, making walking and other normal tasks difficult.

What is total knee replacement surgery?

During total knee replacement, the damaged bone and cartilage in your knee joint are removed and replaced with artificial components. Artificial knee joints are often made of metal, ceramic, or plastic and comprise femoral and tibial components.

Recovery and rehabilitation after your surgery

You will go through a similar healing and rehabilitation procedure as someone with a primary knee replacement. Treatment involves medicine, physical therapy, and the prescription of blood thinners to avoid clots. You will first need assistance walking devices like a cane, crutches, or walker. Also, you will require physical therapy for three months or more.

Furthermore, it is critical to stand and move as quickly as possible. Pressure, compression, or resistance are required for the bone to develop and correctly attach to the implant. The recovery duration after revision knee surgery varies compared to your initial knee replacement. Some people recover after revision surgery longer, while others heal faster and with less pain than during the first TKR.

Revision surgery is often necessary when a knee replacement no longer works well. A surgeon replaces the old gadget with a new one during this surgery. If you think you need a revision, consult your doctor to see whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Call Integrity Orthopedics or book your consultation online to learn more about revision knee replacement procedures and if they fit you.

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