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Sports Injury Knee Pain Symptoms, Types, Treatment and Relief

Sudden pain in the knee usually results from overuse of the joint or an abrupt injury. Whether you are a professional athlete or participate in sports purely for love, a knee injury can be devastating for your health.

The knee is one of our most crucial joints and is easy to injure; all the weight of our body is placed on it when we walk, as well as any added pressure when running or jumping. Unsurprisingly then, knee injuries are extremely common in sports enthusiasts.

Minor knee injuries such as sprains and strains are common in athletes and can usually be resolved with rest and short-term use of mild analgesics such as ibuprofen. Of course, warming up and stretching out before and after exercise is crucial as a way to try to stave off a knee injury.

But if your knee pain is more severe, continuous, or accompanied by unresolved swelling and other signs of abnormality, it is absolutely crucial that you see a doctor determine the cause of the problem.

Types of Sports Injury Knee Pain

Treatment for Sports Injury Knee Pain

Knee Pain can be one of the biggest problems a sportsperson can face. If you are suffering with it, you may be worrying about the best course of action to take.

Treatments for Sports Injury Knee Pain vary from simple rest and short-term use of mild painkillers like ibuprofen, to surgery in severe cases. Other interventions have included the use of corticosteroid injections, which can help to control inflammation and reduce pain.

The problem with the repeated use of painkillers and corticosteroids is that they are associated with unwelcome side effects, from serious gastrointestinal problems, to cartilage damage. Surgery also comes with risks and substantial recovery time.

But the good news is, things are changing. Groundbreaking treatment for Knee Pain has arrived in the form of Viscosupplementation. This treatment consists of injections of a substance which mirrors healthy joint fluid, and has in many cases been shown to help repair cartilage.

The treatment also has the advantage of having a low incidence of side effects, (which are generally in any case mild, such as temporary swelling around the injection site).

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