A Health Tutor

Tips and Suggestions for the Running Addicted

Running may be an old passion or a new found interest but it is definitely a healthy lifestyle habit worth cultivating. Almost everyone can benefit from running and it is the most efficient route to weight loss as running it burns the most number of calories. The running addicted or those who can’t do without their regular run; enjoy a healthier life in comparison to those that stay stationary for most of the day. For the benefit of the running addicted; this blog aims to give away certain helpful tips and suggestions for runners. Read further to know more.

Warm up Before Running

While this should be common knowledge; most beginners do not understand the importance of a warm up before running. Warming up by stretching and maneuvering the calf and thigh muscles before every run is the most effective way to avoid sprains and muscle stress and prevent pains and aches that are common the next day for those that newly take up running. A good warm up is the first course of action for the running addicted; before your legs swiftly carry you across the running track.

Stay Hydrated

Running will cause sweating and excess sweating should always be followed up with a drink of water. Plenty of water or an energy drink packed with electrolytes and glucose will serve you will if you are running addicted; in other words; a passionate runner.

Start Small go Big

For beginners; it’s important to start small and gradually go big. This will fuel your desire to run larger courses at higher speeds and will prevent you from burning out too soon. Be sure to start with 50 meter running courses before you can move on to lengthier tracks. Additionally; do not start off at stop speeds but instead build speed as you near finish point. If you are running as a workout and not as competitive sport; your emphasis should be on gradually building stamina and losing more calories along the way. You gain nothing from burning out with your first or second try.

Get the Right Running Gear

Your running gear is important to ensure that you are comfortable during your regular runs. A professional runner swears by his or her running gear and if you are running addicted; the same should hold true for you. The ideal running gear includes…

In conclusion; it is important that to note that if you are running addicted; you have much to gain by investing in proper running gear and investing time to cultivate your passion for running. Regular running will surely serve you well in the long run in terms of physical wellbeing.

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