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5 Common Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

Facial plastic surgery is a wide medical field that involves cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the head and neck. It addresses many conditions affecting the ear, nose, throat, neck, face, head, and neck.Facial plastic surgery Newport Beach involves many specialists, including maxillofacial surgeons, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, and otolaryngology surgeons. You can consider facial plastic surgery to correct defects resulting from accidents, injuries, tumors, or congenital abnormalities. You can also have surgery to improve your facial looks, like eliminating wrinkles or sagging skin. There are many facial plastic surgery procedures, including:


Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery performed to change the shape or size of your nose. You can have rhinoplasty for aesthetic purposes, to address nose trauma or functional problem like sinus issues. The surgery involves your surgeon cutting in the middle of your nose to be able to access the bones and cartilage. The procedure may take one to three hours, depending on your condition. After rhinoplasty, you may experience pain, nosebleeds, swelling, and bruising, but the effects fade gradually within a few days.


A facelift is a surgical procedure that corrects visible signs of aging. It reduces facial fat, eliminates excess tissue, redistributes skin, and tightens facial muscles. A facelift can elevate sagging eyebrows, eliminate forehead wrinkles, reduce fat along your jawline and neck and remove fat accumulating in your cheekbones. After a facelift, your doctor will recommend you sleep on two pillows to reduce swelling and avoid chewing too much so that your stitches are not affected. You may experience swelling and hematomas, but they disappear within a few days.


Blepharoplasty is a surgery that corrects eyelid defects and deformities. It may involve removing excess skin, muscle, and fat accumulating around your eyes. Blepharoplasty addresses sagging or drooping eyelids, dark circles, and eye bags. You can also have blepharoplasty to improve your vision if excess fat and skin prevent your eyes from opening. After the surgery, you may experience blurred or double vision, excessive tear production, hypersensitivity to light, pain, swelling, and bruising that lasts for a short while.


Otoplasty, also known as pinnaplasty, is a surgical treatment that changes the size, shape, or position of your ears. It can be performed on children, but after the age of five because, below that age, ears will still be developing. Otoplasty does not affect hearing, just the look of your ears. You may consider otoplasty if your ears stick out a lot, appear larger in proportion to your head, or correct ear damage from injury or congenital malformations.

Neck lift

A neck lift is a surgical procedure that eliminates excess fat and sagging skin on the neck. The surgery can also tighten neck muscles. A neck lift focuses on the region below the chin and above the collarbone. You can consider a neck lift to address age-related skin changes, wrinkles, excess fat in your neck, horizontal skin bands, or sagging skin from losing weight.

Facial plastic surgery is a wide medical field that addresses many issues involving your head and neck. It involves many procedures, including rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facelift, otoplasty, and neck lift. Schedule an appointment with Alexis Furze, MD FACS, for facial plastic surgery to eliminate your aging signs.

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