A Health Tutor

Everything You Should Know About A Concussion

A concussion is a mild brain injury that may not require medical intervention. However, if you experience lingering or severe symptoms for an extended period, you may need medical help. Suppose you are looking for a non-invasive treatment for concussion San Diego symptoms. In that case, you can trust the Mindset team to use their expertise to alleviate the symptoms and restore normal brain functioning.

How you can get a concussion

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury from a blow, violent jolt, or bump to your head, disrupting normal brain function. You may also get a concussion from being hit on your body, causing your head to jerk sideways, forwards forcefully, or backward. This brain injury bruises and stretches your brain nerves, resulting in chemical changes that may cause a temporary loss of normal brain function. While a single concussion may not result in irreversible damage to your brain, several concussions over the years may gradually interfere with your brain structure. Although concussions are not fatal, their effects can be severe and linger for several days or weeks.

The brain consists of soft squishy tissue surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid that cushions and separates it from your skull (the hard protective exterior). Factors that may result in mild brain injury include motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, and falls. Children may experience concussions when playing contact sports like football, wrestling, ice hockey, or basketball. These activities may cause the brain to twist or bounce within the skull, or you may experience a whiplash-like movement that may cause the brain to collide against your skull, causing mild rain damage.

Concussion symptoms requiring emergency care

The signs and symptoms of a mild concussion may be subtle in some people; in others, they can be severe. The most prevalent symptoms include confusion, headache, sensitivity to noise and light, feeling drowsy or tired, nausea or vomiting, headache, or temporary loss of consciousness. Toddlers and infants hit their heads frequently, and since they can’t describe how they feel, it can be difficult to diagnose a concussion.

If your child has a blank stare, is irritable, won’t eat, and experiences changes in their sleep pattern after a head injury, they may have a concussion. Although mild concussions are not a medical emergency, it is wise to call your pediatrician to check on your child to be safe. However, if an adult or a child experiences a severe headache that worsens over time, clear watery discharge from the ears or nose, slurred speech, seizures, or blood discharge from the ears, call 911.

Treatments for a concussion

After discussing your symptoms and conducting a thorough physical exam, the MindSet team may develop an individualized treatment plan. They may recommend adequate rest for physical and mental recovery. You may also need to limit activities that trigger or worsen your symptoms. If spending time on your phone, playing video games, listening to loud music, watching television, or doing physical activity worsens your symptoms, you may need to wait until they improve before embarking on them.

Call the MindSet office or book an appointment online today if you suspect you have a concussion.

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