A Health Tutor

Everything You Should Know About Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is a foot disorder that occurs when the corner of your toenail grows down into the skin. It typically affects the big toe when you cut your toenails by tapering the corner of the toenails. Ingrown toenails Pico Robertson, Beverly Hills are prevalent and seldom pose a health risk to the victims.

Understanding ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails are prevalent, particularly for those who wear excessively tight shoes or do not allow their feet to air. An ingrown toenail affects around 20% of the population at some time in their lives. An ingrown toenail can cause discomfort and swelling in the toe. Also, the nail might become infected at times.

Additionally, ingrown toenail treatment options range from home remedies to surgery. In most circumstances, an ingrown toenail may be treated at home using over-the-counter medicines or home treatments. However, you should seek medical care if the nail is infected or causing extreme discomfort.

Surgery treatment for an ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail usually heals without surgery. In extreme situations, your healthcare professional may need to remove a portion of the nail surgically. The surgery (nail avulsion) prevents the nail’s edge from growing inward and cutting into your skin. Permanently removing the nail can benefit youngsters who have infected ingrown toenails.

Your physician will inject an anesthetic (numbing drug) into your toe during a partial or total nail avulsion. The surgeon then removes a portion or all of the toenails, and the nail may take many months to regenerate. These avulsion operations can be done permanently for recurring ingrown nails with a substance that kills the nail root.

How to prevent ingrown toenails

You can avoid ingrown toenails by making several lifestyle adjustments:

The outlook for those with an ingrown toenail

Most often, ingrown toenails are not severe health issues since therapy usually works. The ingrown toenail won’t grow back if you practice effective foot care. You may require regular foot care checkups if you have an illness that causes foot issues, like nerve damage or diabetes.

An ingrown toenail is unattractive and irritating, but it is easily treated. Soaking the nail often improves symptoms within a few days. If it does not improve, consult your healthcare professional, who can treat it.

To avoid ingrown toenails in the future, wear roomy shoes and trim your nails straight across rather than tapering them to the curve of your toe. Call Eazy Foot & Ankle or book your appointment online to find out if you are the right candidate for ingrown toenail procedures.

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