A Health Tutor

Common Triggers for Allergy Attacks and How to Avoid Them

An allergy attack is your immune system’s reaction to harmless environmental substances such as pollen, mold, dust mites and animal dander. If you are sensitive to these substances, contact with them may cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Mild reactions include eye irritation, itchy skin, a rash, and congestion. But in extreme cases, one may experience anaphylaxis – a life-threatening emergency in which the whole body reacts. If airborne allergens trigger Bastrop asthma & allergies attacks, these tips can help you minimize surprise allergy attacks.

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Animal dander

If you are allergic to a certain animal, avoiding contact with it is the best way to prevent a reaction. But if you live with pets, including dogs or cats, animal dander can seep into your carpets, drapes, bedding, and upholstered furniture. Animal dander can also be present in your car even if you don’t have a pet. Your clothes attract a lot of dander levels when exposed to other animals, like a neighbor’s cat. Once you slide into your car seat, you’ve deposited a considerable amount of this allergen.

You can control animal dander by regularly vacuuming your house and car, avoiding contact with animals, using an air cleaner, and keeping pets out of your bedroom. Bathing pets often and getting rid of carpeting may also help.

Dust mites

These are microscopic creatures found in dust particles and cause dust allergies. Popular hangouts for dust mites include window blinds, overstuffed furniture, rugs, and stuffed animals. They are found in any fabric or upholstered surface that is difficult to clean. The following tips can help you control dust mites:


Trees, grasses, and weeds produce pollen that circulates in the air during spring, summer, and fall. They produce pollen at different seasons, depending on where you live. While pollen may be at its highest during certain seasons, some activities stir pollen. For example, gardening exposes you to pollen produced by flowers, and mowing the yard stirs up grass pollens. Here is how you can minimize allergic reactions to pollen.


You will likely find mold in damp areas like bathrooms, basements, and laundry rooms. There are also plenty more havens for mold outdoors. To avoid mold, clean home surfaces like bathroom tiles and shower curtains with bleach-based products, use a dehumidifier and stay indoors during rainy and windy days.

If you are prone to allergy attacks, visit your provider at Pompeyo Chavez, MD, for a personalized treatment plan to relieve your allergy reaction symptoms.

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