A Health Tutor

Ways to Help Manage Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

When you have a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), it can be painful and make it hard to move your jaw. You may also have trouble eating, talking, or even opening your mouth. There are things you can do at home to help ease the pain of TMD and improve your jaw’s range of motion. Totowa TMJ treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms.

Some of the symptoms of TMD include:

Many things, such as: can cause this condition

There are many different ways to treat TMD, such as:

Applying ice or heat

You can use ice packs or heating pads on your jaw to ease the pain. Put the ice pack on for 20 minutes, then take it off for 20 minutes. Repeat this cycle as needed. Or, you can put the heating pad on for 10 minutes and then take it off for 10 minutes. Repeat this cycle as needed.

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) and naproxen (Aleve) are pain relievers that can help with TMD. You need to follow the directions on the package. If you have trouble with pain relievers, talk to your doctor.

Doing jaw exercises

You can do many different exercises to help stretch and strengthen your jaw muscles. One example is the side-to-side exercise: Gently move your jaw from one side to the other several times. Another example is the chin tuck: Tilt your head down and try to touch your chin to your chest. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Do these exercises a few times a day.

Wearing a mouthguard

If you grind or clench your teeth, your dentist may give you a mouth guard to wear at night. This can help protect your teeth from damage and ease the pain in your TMJ.

Eating soft foods

You may need to eat softer foods for a while to avoid putting too much stress on your jaw. Add soups, stews, mashed potatoes, eggs, and yogurt to your diet. Avoid hard or chewy foods like steak, nuts, and candy.

Massaging your jaw

You can massage your jaw muscles to ease the pain. Use your fingers to massage the muscles in front of your ears. Or, you can hold your hand against your cheek and open and close your mouth slowly.

Relaxing your jaw

Avoid clenching or grinding your teeth during the day. If you find yourself doing it, stop and relax your jaw. You can also try to avoid stressful situations.

If you have a temporomandibular joint disorder, talk to your doctor at b Dental Spa.

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