De-cluttering is a popular trend, but what are the health benefits of decluttering your home?
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What is defined as clutter?
Clutter is a collection of objects that appear to be disorganized, but may actually have some method to their madness. Clutter is often defined as an accumulation of unneeded or unused items that block living spaces and make a space feel cramped.
The term “clutter” can be used in reference to both physical objects and digital media. Clutter is often considered a hindrance when it comes to organizing your home. It can be difficult to get rid of clutter because you don’t want to throw away something that might be useful later on and you don’t want to give away something you paid good money for.
Clutter can take up so much room that it feels like there’s no place left for things you use every day — like books and shoes. When the clutter gets out of control, then it becomes difficult to find what you’re looking for when you need it most, whether that’s a specific item or just a place where something else can go when it needs a home.
Clutter can be a distraction and affect the quality of your life. If you live in a cluttered environment, it can make you feel stressed and anxious. The good news is that there are ways to deal with clutter like choosing Quick Self Storage rentals before it gets out of hand!
Health Benefits of De-Cluttering
Clutter has become an increasing problem for many people over the last few decades. We are living in a culture that is constantly bombarded with advertising and marketing, which tells us that we need more stuff to be happy. In reality, having too much stuff can cause you to feel overwhelmed and stressed out.
1. -cluttering reduces stress.
The benefits of decluttering your home go beyond the aesthetic. We know that a clean home is a tidy mind, but there are many other benefits to de-cluttering as well.
According to MayoClinic, de-cluttering your living space can reduce stress and anxiety. Researchers found that people who lived in a cluttered environment had higher levels of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. The study also found that participants who cleaned their homes for three months had lower levels of cortisol than those who did not.
When you have a messy home, it can feel overwhelming and stressful to deal with all of the clutter at once. Instead of tackling everything at once or waiting until you’re overwhelmed with work or life stress to start cleaning up, try taking small steps over time so that it becomes less overwhelming.
2. De-cluttering increases productivity.
When you have less stuff to take care of, you can focus on what really matters to you. For example, if you’re not taking care of your clothes, no big deal as long as they’re not stinking up the place!
One of the main reasons we often don’t want to deal with our clutter is because it’s a big job. It can feel overwhelming. But once you start, it won’t take long for the benefits to become apparent.
You might find that you spend less time looking for things, which means you will have more time to work on the tasks at hand. You may also find that de-cluttering makes you feel more productive because it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you see how much you have done.
3. De-cluttering improves mental focus.
If you’re a person who lives in a cluttered house, you probably have a hard time focusing on the things you need to do. That’s because the clutter distracts you from your goals.
But cleaning up your space can help you become more productive and get more done. In fact, when researchers studied participants’ brains before and after they cleaned their homes, they found that decluttering helps improve their mental focus. Decluttering improves mental focus because it helps you clear away distractions so that you can concentrate on what matters most right now.
4. De-cluttering reduces clutter-related injuries.
Clutter can increase your chances of getting hurt. Whether it’s tripping over a pile of shoes, stubbing a toe on a chair, or falling down the stairs, clutter can be dangerous. Clutter-related injuries are common, as anyone who has tried to navigate through a room filled with toys can attest.
A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that residents who experienced falls were more likely to have cluttered homes. According to the study, about one-third of Americans report experiencing at least one fall every year and about 5 percent suffer serious injuries from falls each year.
The authors believe that reducing clutter could help reduce falls in older adults because it would make their homes safer and easier to navigate.
5. De-cluttering improves sleep quality.
Studies show that having a clean house helps us sleep better at night because it lessens our worry. When your house is cluttered and chaotic, it can be difficult to unwind at night. When your mind is racing with thoughts about where things should go or how everything fits together, it can be hard to relax enough for sleep. But when you’ve got an orderly home that’s welcoming and comfortable, it’s much easier to let go of those thoughts and fall asleep quickly after a long day.
6. De-cluttering promotes physical activity.
It’s no secret that clutter can have a negative impact on your mood and overall well-being. When you’re surrounded by mess, it’s easy to get frustrated and stressed out.
But what you may not know is that clutter can also impact your physical health. Research shows that people who live in cluttered homes are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who live in uncluttered spaces.
It might sound counterintuitive, but having less stuff means you have more space to move around in, which means your body will need to move more than it would otherwise. This is especially true if you live in an apartment or small house — the more space you have available, the less likely it is that you’ll be able to do any kind of physical activity without moving some furniture out of the way first. It also makes it easier to clean up after yourself instead of just throwing things on top of other things until they fall off onto someone else’s head or foot.
7. De-cluttering reduces allergy symptoms.
The more clutter in your home, the harder it is to clean it properly — which can lead to dust mites and other allergens building up over time. Allergies are one of the most common reasons why people visit their doctors annually (especially during springtime), so it’s important to keep things clean!
8. De-cluttering promotes better moods.
De-cluttering has been shown to elevate moods and reduce depression symptoms by helping people feel more secure in their surroundings. Having less stuff in your home means less cleaning and organization required which means more time spent doing things that make us happy instead of cleaning up after ourselves!
How a Quick Self Storage unit helps you with your decluttering journey.
You may be thinking that a self-storage unit is only useful for storing all the stuff you don’t want, but it can also be a great tool for decluttering.
A Quick Self Storage unit can be used as a “mini” closet to store clothes, shoes, or other items that you don’t wear often but want to keep. If you’re unsure about whether or not an article of clothing fits or looks good on you, just stick it in the storage unit! This way, if you decide that it no longer fits or looks good after a few months, then there’s no harm done. You can always pull it out and donate it to charity later.

Tiffany is a Medical Student and also works as a fitness coach in part-time. She is also a writer and writes on health and fitness articles. Tiffany loves to engage with users and help them provide various useful information on General Health. She provides researched-based information and also featured on various blogs and magazines.