A Health Tutor

What Causes Excessive Gas

The main components of stomach gas are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, and methane. They are formed when the undigested part of the food substances are fermented by the bacteria present in the large intestine. In a normal condition, the amount of gas produced during the digestion process is less and does not give you any trouble. However, when due to some reason there is an excess amount of gas in the stomach, then you start feeling abdominal discomfort, pain, cramping frequent burping, and flatulence.

What Induces Excessive Gas?

When excessive gas starts bothering you all of a sudden, then it is mostly related to eating some specific foods or wrong eating habits. On the other hand, chronic cases of excessive gas are usually symptoms of some underlying health disorders. The common excessive gas causes are discussed below:

Consumption of Foods that Cause Gas

Food is one of the major factors that trigger an increase in the production of stomach gas. In general, there are some food items like fatty foods, spicy foods, processed foods, carbonated beverages, etc., that tend to produce more gas inside the stomach than others. It also includes a number of healthy foods as well like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, beans, carrots, onions, apples, prunes, raisins, pulses, and so on. Consumption of dairy products may cause excessive gas in those people who have lactose intolerance. This is because they are unable to digest the lactose sugar present in milk. Similarly, if a person has a food allergy, then he or she may face the problem of too much gas after consuming that particular food.

Swallowing of Too Much of Air

Most of the time, you do not even realize that you swallow up a large amount of air while eating. It can happen when you eat in a hurry, use a straw for drinking, talk too much while eating, etc. Chewing gum, licking candies, and smoking can also cause this kind of problem.

Underlying Health Disorder

When you are having this problem of excessive gas in the stomach persistently, then it can be an indication of a major problem in the gastrointestinal tract which has not yet been detected. Irritable bowel syndrome, Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, pancreas disease, liver disease, and stomach ulcer are a few such possibilities. Any kind of intestinal obstruction caused by gallstones, formation of tumors in the abdominal cavity can slow down the digestive process and increase the production of intestinal gas.

Hormonal Changes

Causes of excessive gas in men and women are found to be more or less the same. However, there are some specific causes of excessive gas in women where it is triggered by hormonal changes that take place just before menstruation or during pregnancy and menopause. This kind of hormonal change has an adverse impact on the progress of the digestive process and the food remains inside the digestive tract for a long time. As a result, the intestinal bacteria get the scope to break down the undigested foods and produce a larger quantity of gas.

Other Causes

Excessive gas can be a side effect of any of the medicines that you have taken in recent times. It could be antibiotics, diabetic medicines, laxatives, or fiber-rich dietary supplements which can cause this problem. Eating a large meal, lack of sufficient amount of water in the body, excessive consumption of alcohol, mental stress are some of the other factors that are often held responsible for this problem.

Tips to Relieve Excessive Gas

Sudden excessive gas causes can be tackled with the help of a few lifestyle changes and some simple home remedies. Here are a few helpful tips in this regard:

Increase Intake of Water: You should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to counter the problem of excessive gas in the stomach. This will also ensure better digestion of foods.

Avoid Foods that Cause Gas: Try not to eat any of those foods that increase stomach gas. However, if it is not possible to avoid them completely, then have them in small amounts.

Avoid Swallowing of Air: While eating, take a small amount of food in your mouth, chew it properly without opening your mouth, and then swallow it. Do not talk when you are eating. Do not use straws for drinking your favorite beverages.

Keep the Size of Meals Small: The problem of excessive gas in the stomach can be controlled to some extent by eating small meals. You can increase the number of your daily meals. If usually, you take 2-3 large meals throughout the day, then make it 5-6 meals that are small in size.

Drink Ginger Tea: When you are troubled by too much stomach gas, take a cup of ginger tea for instant relief. You can have it after every meal. It will not only provide you relief from gas but will also bring about improvement in your overall digestive health.

We have already mentioned in the section ‘what causes excessive gas’ of this Buzzle article that the possibility of any underlying health condition cannot be ruled out. Therefore, if you are bothered by the problem of excessive stomach gas for quite some time, then it is time to make an appointment with the doctor for a proper diagnosis.

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